Beetup Compact (10L)
A selective herbicide for the control of a wide range of weeds in sugar, fodder and red beets.
Active Ingredient:
80g/l phenmedipham + 80g/l desmedipham EC
Product Info
Beetup Compact herbicide acts through the foliage of seedling broadleaved weeds to give selective weed control in sugar and red beet crops. It is a contact herbicide which only acts via the foliage of emerged weeds and therefore does not depend on soil type or moisture. Beetup Compact provides reliable broadleaf weed control with a wide application window. Susceptible weeds include; seedling stages of chickweed, fat-hen, fumitory, groundsel, redroot, shepherd’s purse, spurrey, nettle and twin cress. Also black nightshade, cornbind and willow weed can be controlled if treated up to the four true leaf stage.
Fodder beet – 56 days. Do not graze stock on treated areas for 56 days after spraying.
Beetup Compact is a GROUP C1 HERBICIDE from the Phenyl Carbamate herbicide group. Resistance to this herbicide and related products could develop in some situations from repeated use.