Coronet (10L)

A selective grass herbicide for use on autumn and spring sown wheat and perennial ryegrass for the control of wild oats and lesser canary grass Phalaris minor.

725.00 725.0 NZD 725.00 GST Excluded

725.00 GST Excluded

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Terms and Conditions
Shipping: 2-3 Business Days

Active Ingredient: 69g/l fenoxaprop-P-ethyl EW

Product Info


Coronet offers highly cost-effective wild oat and phalaris control, without compromising on crop safety. Rainfast in 1 hour, it allows for flexible application timing. The first choice for wild oat control in perennial ryegrass.


Wheat: 70 days (Do not graze treated crop for at least 70 days after treatment) 

Perennial ryegrass: 42 days (Do not graze treated crop for at least 42 days after treatment).


The following weeds are resistant to Coronet: Annual and Hybrid ryegrasses, tall fescue, chewing’s fescue, cocksfoot, browntop, grazing brome (=spiky brome – Bromus stamineus), prairie grass and most broadleaved weeds. Rainfastness: Coronet is rainfast within one hour of application