Coronet (10L)
A selective grass herbicide for use on autumn and spring sown wheat and perennial ryegrass for the control of wild oats and lesser canary grass Phalaris minor.
Active Ingredient:
69g/l fenoxaprop-P-ethyl EW
Product Info
Coronet offers highly cost-effective wild oat and phalaris control, without compromising on crop safety. Rainfast in 1 hour, it allows for flexible application timing. The first choice for wild oat control in perennial ryegrass.
Wheat: 70 days (Do not graze treated crop for at least 70 days after treatment)
Perennial ryegrass: 42 days (Do not graze treated crop for at least 42 days after treatment).
The following weeds are resistant to Coronet: Annual and Hybrid ryegrasses, tall fescue, chewing’s fescue, cocksfoot, browntop, grazing brome (=spiky brome – Bromus stamineus), prairie grass and most broadleaved weeds. Rainfastness: Coronet is rainfast within one hour of application